segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012

General Dynamics UK announces establishment of Brasilian subsidiary

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – General Dynamics UK today announced the establishment of a Brazilian subsidiary General Dynamics do Brasil, as British Prime Minister David Cameron visits Brazil with a large delegation of British business this week. General Dynamics do Brasil (GD do Brasil) will deliver capability to the Brazilian defence and security sectors through strategic partnerships with Brazilian companies; facilitate knowledge transfer from the UK to Brazil; and work to develop indigenised solutions for its Brazilian customers. It also intends to establish an EDGE® facility in Brazil to support relationships between British and Brazilian SMEs and academic establishments, and is participating in the Science Without Borders programme that will see Brazilian students visit Britain for university and work placements.

Prime Minister David Cameron said, “General Dynamics UK’s expansion in Brazil is a perfect example of how a British company can boost its business by attracting customers from new markets abroad. This will help to safeguard jobs back at home and also offer opportunities for small British companies, working in partnership with General Dynamics, to win new contracts. And it's testament to the UK's expertise in the defence and technology sector.”

Dr. Sandy Wilson, president and managing director at General Dynamics UK said, “The opening of General Dynamics do Brasil and our intention to establish an EDGE® in Brazil demonstrates our commitment to our Brazilian customers and the Brazilian market, and will facilitate transfer of knowledge and capability to Brazil by working with our current and future partners there. We intend to work here with our Brazilian partners to deliver Brazilian capability.”

Brazil is currently in the process of procuring a number of defence and security solutions that would benefit from General Dynamics UK’s systems integration capabilities, ranging from a £20m Command and Control System in advance of the Football World Cup and Olympics, to the major US$4bn opportunity, SisGAAZ, which will integrate a C4I1 network to protect 8000kms of littoral, economic exclusion zone, and continental shelf extension (primary oil and gas fields) as well as contributing to search and rescue capability.

General Dynamics UK is one of the world’s leading providers of integrated security solutions working across the range of requirements from Government and national critical infrastructure such as borders and large areas that need protection to the civil sector including the global Oil and Gas industry. Most recently it has delivered the entire integrated Port Operating System for the newly operational Khalifa Port in the UAE making it the safest and most advanced port in the region; secured BP’s newest oil platforms on the North Sea’s Clair Ridge and provided a full telecommunications and security infrastructure for the world’s largest Gas to Liquid facility, Shell’s Pearl GTL site in Qatar. This expertise and capability will be of significant importance to Brazil’s own burgeoning Oil & Gas exploration activities, as well as the resulting port installations that are to be built or improved in the coming years and will deliver and integration capability to the country that would benefit programmes like SisGAAZ.

General Dynamics UK is also one of a very small number of companies that understands how to use this integration capability to address the security challenges and requirements of Governments, their security forces, and private enterprises that wish to protect their valuable assets, whether populations, frontiers, national infrastructure or facilities from attack or intrusion, and delivers robust systems with resilience which ensures business continuity. General Dynamics do Brasil will facilitate the transfer of the knowledge and technology that has been delivered to border security & surveillance, emergency control centre and critical national infrastructure programmes in other parts of the world to Brazil.

Source: General Dynamics UK press release September 28th, 2012

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